Guest Information

The House Rules have been approved by the Arlington Club Board of Directors and are intended for the guidance of the members and guests.  Members are asked to inform guests of the dress code and other house rules to avoid embarrassment.  Any questions about the Rules should be directed to the General Manager.  Repeated violations by a member will constitute grounds for suspension or expulsion.

Dress Code:

  • Members and guests are asked to preserve the decorum and the professional ambiance of the Club. Except where the dress code is otherwise specified, business-casual attire is permitted in all areas of the clubhouse.  Business-casual attire includes dress denim and collared shirts.  It does not include athletic attire or clothing that is frayed, tattered or torn.  Exceptions for athletic attire and shorts are permitted for overnight room guests going directly to or from their overnight rooms.

Invited Guests:

  1. Club Facilities. The facilities of the Club are for the exclusive use, accommodation, and enjoyment of the members and their guests, and members of other private clubs with which Arlington Club reciprocates.
  2. Guests. Only members may invite guests. Members are responsible at all times for the conduct and behavior of their guests, including compliance with House Rules, as well as for all charges associated with their guests. Guests may be invited to the Club by a member at any time. All guests should be accompanied by a member except for those guests staying in an overnight room. In general, members are discouraged from bringing guests under 21 years of age, however this rule is relaxed during the holiday seasons, during special events involving the family, and at private functions such as a wedding at which children may be appropriate.
  3. Member Events.Only members (or members of a reciprocal club) may host an event.Public notices or other published means of inviting guests are not permitted.


Meetings and Events:

The Club welcomes the use of its meeting and dining rooms for the private use of its members.

  1. Events held at the Club must be invitation-only.
  2. The host member is responsible for all costs associated with the event; costs of the event will be charged to the member(s) hosting the event.No reimbursement or other financial transactions should take place in the common areas of the Club.
  3. The Club should not be used for events in which a substantial number of guests are under the age of 21.
  4. All activities at the Club are considered private.No information regarding any function held at the Club shall be released to the media.In the event members of the media are guests, they should be advised by their host that Club activities may not be reported.
  5. Photographs may be taken solely for the use of the Club or the personal use of the members of the group photographed.Photographs may not be used for a non-Club publication without the prior approval of the General Manager.
  6. When a group gathering does not have exclusive use of the Club, members and their guests should be respectful of other members and guests who may also be using the Club.
  7. Any questions regarding appropriate meeting use should be directed to the Club Manager.


Reciprocal Club Members:

  1. Individuals who are members of other clubs having reciprocal arrangements and who do not have a primary residence within a 40 mile radius of the Club are entitled to use of the Club, including having guests for dining.
  2. Members of reciprocal clubs will be permitted to visit the Club on no more than 14 days in a calendar year without the approval of the Club’s Board.
  3. Members of reciprocal clubs not staying in the Club’s overnight rooms will be subject to a 20 percent surcharge on all services rendered.The minimum surcharge will be $10 per day.
  4. The Club has established exchange privileges with other clubs.Members wishing to utilize other clubs are asked to coordinate their visit directly with the particular club.Letters of introduction will be issued to Club members in good standing upon request.

Electronic Devices and Work Papers:


  1. Members and guests should be respectful of the quiet atmosphere in the Club.
  2. Silenced electronic devices and work papers may be used discretely throughout the Club.Electronic devices may be used at a reasonable volume in the overnight rooms, meeting rooms and phone booths.




  1. Quiet. Conversations should not be held in the library when it may disturb those who are reading.
  2. Lending. Members may take on loan for a two-week period any book by registering the removal with the front desk.If a member does not return a past-due book or periodical when requested by the Club, then the cost of the item may be charged to the member’s account.



Meals and Use of Alcohol:


  1. The Club recommends moderation in the use of alcohol and enforces the following guidelines:
    1. No alcoholic beverages will be served to anyone under 21 years of age.The staff is authorized to verify age if there is any question.
    2. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to any person visibly intoxicated.Visible intoxication by a member or a guest in the Club will not be condoned.
  2. In the interest of providing better service, members are requested to make advance reservations for dinner or to attend special events and should advise the Club of any changes in their plans.When appropriate, the Club may make a charge for dining reservations not used.



Other House Rules:


  1. Fees and Dues. Any article of Club property which is removed or damaged by a member or their guest shall be repaired, replaced, or paid for by the member.Member bills are payable upon receipt of the monthly statement and become delinquent on the first of the following month.
  2. Overnight Rooms. Members, guests, and members of reciprocal clubs may use the overnight rooms subject to availability and the making of advance reservations.In addition, reciprocal club members using the overnight rooms may reserve rooms for individuals traveling with them; however the reciprocal club member shall be responsible for all charges.As the rooms are for transient use, any use for longer than 14 days requires prior approval of the House Committee or General Manager.
  3. Employees.
    1. No employee shall be reprimanded by a member.Any complaints regarding employees should be reported to the House Committee or the Club Manager.
    2. Tipping of any Club employee is discouraged.Members and guests may contribute to the “Employee Christmas Fund” which is distributed to all Club employees in December in recognition of their exemplary service.
    3. Members and guests shall not send employees on errands outside of the Club.
  4. Notices. No notices shall be posted in the Club except under the direction of the General Manager.
  5. Checks. Members may cash personal checks in an amount not to exceed $200 per day.Checks must be presented in person and of current date.This privilege is extended to members of the Club only and limited to five times in any given month.The cashing of third party checks is not permitted.
  6. Animals. Only certified service animals are allowed if the member has a legal disability and the animal is individually trained to perform tasks that mitigate the member’s disability as defined under Title II and III of the ADA. The animal must also have sufficient training to behave appropriately in public (no barking, making unwanted contact with other members of the public, or disrupting business by misbehaving). Service animals who pose a direct threat to others by growling, lunging, or otherwise menacing people can be barred from Club access.
  7. Media Requests. Members are asked not to respond to any requests from the media but to refer such inquiries to the General Manager.




  1. No demonstrations of any kind shall be held in the Club.
  2. The Club is not responsible for articles left in the Club by members or guests.If you find or leave something at the Club, please give it to the General Manager.
  3. It is a member’s responsibility to notify the Club of any change in their address or phone number.The names, address and telephone numbers of the members and/or prospective members shall not be used for other than Club purposes.
  4. Club stationery is to be used only for personal purposes and shall not be used for any business matters or for letters which are intended to be published.